Yasuhisa OjimaResident Representative for Cambodia at International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Yasuhisa Ojima is an IMF resident representative for Cambodia since September 2019, who was an IMF resident representative for Myanmar, a senior economist in the Asia and Pacific Department and a mission chief for Tonga. In the IMF, Mr. Ojima has worked in various countries (including Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal and Tonga) with wide range of operations—an Article IV consultation, an IMF-supported program, post-program monitoring and ex-post assessment. He has also worked on financial stability issues including through participating in Financial Sector Assessment Program and Technical Assistance mission. He has diverse research interests and has published actively in several areas, including inflation dynamics, financial deepening, macro-prudential policy, and monetary policy frameworks. Prior to joining the IMF, he was a Director in the Credit Risk Analysis division at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and a Resident Representative for the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in Vietnam. He has published several textbooks and articles in the field of international and development economics and taught at Waseda University in Tokyo. Mr. Ojima holds degrees from Yale University and Keio University (both in economics).